@Douga536 @psacnat @pmharper value for money, you do know the political side of things, your PM and his MPs decide programs not Pub Servts
@kathleenmonk @psacnat Yeah. I don't get how you can book the outcome of a negotiation. Bad faith indeed
@kathleenmonk @psacnat govt "sick" benefits have been abused for decades. Wake up & smell the coffee. @PnPCBC
@CapitalOttawa @psacnat @pmharper I pay your wages, and Id like better value for my money. WAY too much taxes Find a way to lower the costs
@CapitalOttawa @psacnat @pmharper Come work in the private sector!! We need your help and lower tax burden
Federal budget: Government poised to impose new PS disability plan via @OttawaCitizen #budget2015 #cdnpoli #goc
RT @kathleenmonk: #budget2015 books in $900 million from Public Service sick & disability benefits. #canlab #CPC NOT good faith bargaining.…
#budget2015 books in $900 million from Public Service sick & disability benefits. #canlab #CPC NOT good faith bargaining. @psacnat
Au lieu d'investir dans un réseau de garderies, le gouv donne des allègements fiscaux au plus riches. Quel gaspillage! #polcan #budget2015
RT @JimboStanford: Budget balance in time for election year (thus allowing govt to move ahead with tax cut promises) was built entirely on …
RT @anitavandenbeld: Harper #budget gives $2B to wealthy & takes $900M from public service sick & disability benefits #wrongpriorities http…
RT @naterotman: This budget is not the stimulus we need says @CanadianLabour #cdnpoli #budget15 #budget2015 #canlab …
RT @AMacEwen: Tax breaks for the rich, service cuts for the rest of us, and nothing for the environment. #budget2015 in a nutshell
Rien sur la réouverture de la station de la garde côtière Kitsilano. Une autre fermeture malavisée. #polcan #budget2015
RT @lansdellicious: Feeling physically ill over this budget and the violation of bargaining rights. How dare they? @psacnat will fight this…