RT @afpcnat: Le gvt essaie de prédéterminer l'issue de la négociation collective. Inacceptable. #budget2015 #polcan
Le gvt essaie de prédéterminer l'issue de la négociation collective. Inacceptable. #budget2015 #polcan
RT @afpcnat: Nous prendrons tous les moyens nécessaires pour défendre nos droits de négociation #budget2015 #polcan
Nous prendrons tous les moyens nécessaires pour défendre nos droits de négociation #budget2015 #polcan
RT @psacnat: We will take every necessary action to defend our constitutionally protected bargaining rights #budget2015 #cdnpoli #goc
RT @psacnat: The government is trying to pre-determine the outcome of collective bargaining. Unacceptable. #budget2015 #cdnpoli #goc
#budget2015: Government poised to impose new disability plan on federal public service #cdnpoli @psacnat
RT @psacnat: PSAC's @BensonRobyn, @ChrisAylwardVP and @larryrousseau will be reacting to #budget2015 live from the Hill today
@arieltroster Follow list for #budget2015: @psacnat... we are many here too watching :-) and President @Debi_Daviau on the Hill
@BensonRobyn, @ChrisAylwardVP, @larryrousseau de l'@afpcnat réagiront au #budget2015 en direct de la Colline
8 enjeux qui devraient influencer les prochaines élections #polcan @afpcnat #election2015
Tonight as part of our Fed Budget coverage we have invus with @PierrePoilievre @PaulDewar and @psacnat Full coverage starting at 5 #cbcott
Watch this feed for PSAC's reaction to #budget2015 -- our focus is on preserving/building quality public services for all Canadians #cdnpoli
RT @ccpa: We don't need a surplus from #Budget2015, we need good jobs, affordable #cdnPSE & much more.
RT @CPAC_TV: Coming up: Finance Minister @joeoliver1 delivers the federal budget. Watch it LIVE on CPAC / / CPAC TV 2 GO. #cdnpoli …
Follow list for #budget2015: @psacnat, @AMacEwen, @broadbent, @cupenat, @_MFriendly, @votechildcare, @trishhennessy, @katemcinturff #cdnpoli
RT @globalnews: Federal budget 2015: How lack of affordable, accessible childcare hurts the economy #cdnpoli #budget…
Bon article au sujet des coupures des service publics--Les femmes en paient le prix @afpcqc @afpcnat @voices_voix