Feeling physically ill over this budget and the violation of bargaining rights. How dare they? @psacnat will fight this to the end.
Rouvrir les 9 bureau d'Anciens Combattants fermés en 2014: pas prévu au #budget2015 C'est honteux! #polcan #ancienscombattants
RT @Sudbury_Steve: @psacnat @JohnRedins It's very clear, and yet more evidence of #cpc anti-labour practices. Labour rights are human right…
Le gouv est prêt à contourner le processus de négo. Écrit en noir et blanc à la page 189 du Budget. #budget2015
@psacnat @JohnRedins It's very clear, and yet more evidence of #cpc anti-labour practices. Labour rights are human rights. #cdnpoli #gpc
. @Sudbury_Steve @JohnRedins Yup. "Will take the steps required" is code for violating collective bargaining.
@psacnat @JohnRedins Yes, that final sentence is quite ominous for public sector employees & everyone concerned about labour rights.
This budget does not re-open the Kitsilano Coast Guard station, another misguided closure that should be reversed #cdnpoli #budget2015
RT @votechildcare: Canadians need quality child care all families can afford, not emptying the coffers to benefit the few #budget2015 http:…
RT @afpcnat: Gouv a saccagé les services publics et semble vouloir faire pire avant les élections @BensonRobyn #budget2015 #polcan
Gouv a saccagé les services publics et semble vouloir faire pire avant les élections @BensonRobyn #budget2015
RT @LucyvanOlden: Our show is also live on the Hill. Here @CBCAdrianH gets reax from @psacnat VP Larry Rousseau #cbcott #budget2015 http://…
Our show is also live on the Hill. Here @CBCAdrianH gets reax from @psacnat VP Larry Rousseau #cbcott #budget2015
RT @ccpa: Our analysis of #Budget2015: insights from @katemcinturff @DavidMacCdn @ArmineYalnizyan & more #cdnpoli
RT @_MFriendly: Canadians need child care that all families can afford, not emptying the coffers to benefit the few #budget2015…
RT @_MFriendly: #Budget2015 does nothing to address national child care crisis. #VoteChildCare2015 #cdnpoli
Coupes à l'AE: presqu'impossible d'aider les + vulnérables, réduire inégalités, protéger saisonniers #budget2015
Sell GM shares, dip into rainy day fund, cut health care transfers, count on @psacnat giving up sick days. Voila balanced #budget2015