Government threatens collective bargaining rights in federal budget @psacnat @PIPSC_IPFPC #canlab #budget2015
Government threatens collective bargaining rights in federal budget @psacnat @PIPSC_IPFPC #canlab #budget2015
Éditorial dans @LeDroitCA: Harper et le mépris de la fonction publique via @lp_lapresse #polCan #budget2015 @afpcnat
RT @CanadianLabour: On #c377 @hassanyussuff laments if only there was transparency in politics the way there is in trade unions. #canlab #c…
RT @CanadianLabour: At the #c377 hearing, @hassanyussuff says it is unconstitutional, flawed and must be defeated. #canlab #cdnpoli
Blowhard @TonyclementCPC WILL bend. No way he'll risk a Canada-wide @PSACnat strike near or during #elxn42. #PnPCBC #CdnPoli
@psacnat Sick leave will be eliminated and so will saved days. Get used to it. The rest us have no sick days Its time for a doctors note.
@evansolomoncbc @PnPCBC @psacnat negotiated sick benefits over years in lieu of $. A strike could give #CPC popular support. #elxn tactic
@alexboulerice @PierrePoilievre @CanadianLabour @psacnat and the rank and file are in agreement and think this is a good budget! Really???
@TonyclementCPC ABUSIVE BOSS paints ALL Public Servants as thieves & fraudsters re: sick leave. He should be sued #PnPCBC @psacnat #CdnPoli
@pnpcbc @TonyclementCPC wants to lockout @psacnat so #Harper can book these savings for his #cpc's #falsesurplus #bdgt15 #elxn42
@PnPCBC @TonyclementCPC = stereotypical abusive boss. Always bad mouthing his employees in the media. Ick! #CdnPoli @psacnat