@RafVidela @Brea_Lewis @psacnat @ciu @Swiftie01 @BillTufts @haliwell51 Or, more to the point, PAID to paint. Now... by whom? #CFIBfail
It seems that future retirees haven't been receiving information about @FSNAretirees and the Medoc benefits. @TonyclementCPC @psacnat Why?
@CBCTheNational @psacnat All supported and encouraged by this Harper respect for fair and equitable wages for Canadians.
@psacnat @AndrewTreusch @utesei committed to settling UTE's contract on your terms. Not a fair and equitable contract for employees.
Here are the highlights from today at the #PSAC15 convention: #canlab
Vos gazouillis ont forcé @AndrewTreusch à répondre -- croyez-vous qu'il est sincère? @utesei #AFPC15
@psacnat BBQ 1er mai Portage plus de 2500 membres de l'AFPC, l'ACEP et l'IPFPC attendus. Au menu bouffe musique et surprise
@haliwell51 @Brea_Lewis @psacnat @ciu @Swiftie01 @BillTufts Spoken like a @Merit_CDN lackey STOOGE for @terrance_oakey #C377 ..
@psacnat @AndrewTreusch @utesei Then why are you listening more to Tony Clement rather than your employees?
@RafVidela @Brea_Lewis @psacnat @ciu @Swiftie01 @BillTufts there is no such thing as collective bargaining. Robbery without the gun.
@psacnat @AndrewTreusch @utesei when will it be negotiated @AndrewTreusch we have been waiting 2.5 years! Don't legislate negotiate!
@psacnat @OttawaCitizen Ombud called. Seemed to go great. She didn't get lost in the legalese, she said she had some legal training
RT @PSAC610: This is why it is so crucial for Cdn gov't to include gender identity under Charter protections. @psacnat…
This is why it is so crucial for Cdn gov't to include gender identity under Charter protections. @psacnat