We must all stand up & fight for Indigenous rights. #indigenous #MMIW @psacnat @PSACOntario
.@beavaugrante: Amnesty has been documenting #MMIW for over a decade. National shame that the Canadian gov will not call an inquiry #PSAC15
RT @Theos41J: #AFPC15, @BeaVaugrante , Amnistie Internationale existera tant et aussi longtemps que les #droitshumains ne sont pas respect…
"Whatever we do here has an impact elsewhere." @beavaugrante criticizes Canada for not helping more refugees #PSAC15
A bold & positive move by our hard working group to increase the #YoungWorker age to 35yrs Thank U ! #PSAC15 #canlab @psacnat
.@beavaugrante: We need to fix economic inequality. And protect civilians in armed conflict. #PSAC15
J'écoute Béatrice Vaugrante de @AmnistieCA au congrès de l'AFPC. @afpcnat @afpcqc #NPD #NPD #polcan
.@beavaugrante: Western governments including Canada are using anti-terror laws to repress freedom of speech and association #PSAC15
. @beavaugrante: Governments around the world clamping down on freedom of expression (Russia, Nigeria, Syria). Arrests and torture. #PSAC15
Now up is @beavaugrante from Amnesty International. She is giving a global perspective on human rights violations #PSAC15
Ce midi, #AFPC15 manifesteront pour défendre le droit à la négo collective et s'opposer au gouvernement conservateur.
@ArielTroster @psacnat Will you be organizing a meet ant greet for Tweeters? Didn’t quite work out at the last convention... #PSAC15
@psacnat Also important to address probs facing FSWEP/co-op workers who don't belong to union but work closely w/ them. Keep up good work!
RT @Fabye_JF: L'AFPC reconnait le besoin des jeunes travailleurs pour une juste représentation et passe l'âge des jeunes travailleurs à 35 …
RT @BeaVaugrante: Impressionnée par le nombre. Ma conférence à venir dans quelques minutes sur #droitshumains à #AFPC15…