A new public sector activism: @psacnat takes Harper's bet and raises him - #psac15 #bcunion
RT @MornaBallantyne: Swearing in at #psac15 of Robyn Benson (Nat Pres), Chris Aylward (Nat Exec VP), Larry Rousseau (Alt NEVP)…
RT @Fabye_JF: L'#AFPC15 élit une équipe gagnante pour gagner le 151019. Attaches ta tuque @pmharper, on s'en vient !
With full confidence of delegation of @psacnat. Congrats on being acclaimed! @BensonRobyn @chrisaylwardvp @larryrousseau #PSAC15 #cdnpoli
Larry Rousseau elected unopposed as alternate National Executive VP #canlab #PSAC15 #cdnpoli @larryrousseau
@larryrousseau Congrats on being acclaimed as alternate national VP of @psacnat #PSAC #canlab Woot! Woot!
Chris Aylward re-elected unopposed as National Executive Vice President @ChrisAylwardVP #canlab #PSAC15 #cdnpoli
Very excited to announce that Sister @BensonRobyn has been acclaimed as @psacnat President for a 2nd 3 year term! #PSAC15
RT @psacnat: Robyn Benson re-elected unopposed as PSAC National President @BensonRobyn #cdnpoli #goc #PSAC15
RT @psacnat: Robyn Benson re-elected unopposed as PSAC National President @BensonRobyn #cdnpoli #goc #PSAC15