Sister Robyn Benson acclaimed PSAC National President! Congratulations sister! #PSAC15 @BensonRobyn @psacnat
Robyn Benson re-elected unopposed as PSAC National President @BensonRobyn #cdnpoli #goc #PSAC15
Scholarships for students connected to @psacnat $1500-$2500. Fill out the app! Deadline: TOMORROW!
@stephmcdo We have been putting up a daily photo gallery at and will be in touch soon with info for the rest of them.
In case you missed it, here are the highlights from Day 4 at the #PSAC15 convention: #canlab
@rabbleca @duncancameron @psacnat was worse than complacent during the DRAP/WFA period, they were outright making deals with the devil
@Swiftie01 @haliwell51 @Brea_Lewis @psacnat @ciu @BillTufts We are dupes letting the @CFIB get away without paying income tax...btw
@haliwell51 @Swiftie01 @RafVidela @Brea_Lewis @psacnat @ciu @BillTufts Really? That's not in the crim. code! Preventing union though, yes!
@RafVidela @haliwell51 @Brea_Lewis @psacnat @ciu @Swiftie01 @BillTufts @Merit_CDN @terrance_oakey Dnt get me startd on ths illegl turd #C377
@Swiftie01 @haliwell51 @RafVidela @Brea_Lewis @psacnat @ciu @BillTufts But i think people notice they are getting raw end of deal from 1%...