23 Décembre

SV bargaining: Register now for dispute resolution votes 

PSAC will soon hold a vote for members of the Treasury Board Operational Services (SV) bargaining group to choose the dispute resolution process for the next round of bargaining. Members will decide whether to keep the current conciliation/strike process or switch to interest arbitration. SV members in good standing are eligible to vote. 

20 Décembre

Phoenix replacement Dayforce is being tested, and we need your feedback 

Public Services and Procurement Canada is currently testing Dayforce as a potential replacement for the Phoenix pay system through a series of User Awareness Sessions and the National Lobby Roadshow. These events are designed to give workers a chance to explore the platform, but PSAC has concerns about whether the results of these sessions will genuinely reflect members’ experiences.
20 Décembre

Victoire : retrait des accusations portées durant la grève de 2023 

Les membres de l’AFPC ont de quoi se réjouir : toutes les amendes infligées lors de la grève nationale de 2023 ont été annulées ou retirées. Cet heureux dénouement marque un tournant dans la défense des droits syndicaux et témoigne de l’engagement indéfectible de l’AFPC à protéger les libertés fondamentales, comme la liberté d’expression, de réunion pacifique et d’association. 
20 Décembre

Victory for PSAC members: All charges from 2023 strike dismissed or dropped 

In a major victory for PSAC members and labour rights, all tickets issued to members and staff during the 2023 national strike have been dismissed or withdrawn. Not a single fine or penalty was imposed, underscoring PSAC’s commitment to defending members’ rights and protecting fundamental freedoms, including the freedom of expression, peaceful assembly, and association. 
23 Décembre

Federal government’s public service cuts will hurt families across Canada

For two years, former Treasury Board President Anita Anand promised that government spending cuts wouldn’t harm the services families depend on – but those promises keep falling short.

19 Décembre

Mirages de réussite : l’effet néfaste de la nouvelle gestion publique et de la production lean sur les services publics

Ces méthodes ont souvent des effets dévastateurs, l’un des plus importants étant la diminution de la qualité des services.
19 Décembre

Examen de la structure des groupes professionnels : entente de règlement conclue

Cette importante avancée nous rapproche d’un examen équitable et sérieux de la structure des groupes professionnels
19 Décembre

Occupational Group Structure review: grievance resolved though settlement agreement

This marks a significant step forward in advocating for meaningful consultation and fairness in the Occupational Group Structure review.
7 Janvier

PSAC fights for good pensions in the private and para-public sector

A pension offers financial security by providing steady income and peace of mind during retirement. While defined contribution (DC) plans are common in Canada, they are less reliable compared to defined benefit (DB) plans. DB plans guarantee retirees a predictable income for life, offering stability and protection throughout their retirement.

19 Décembre

Flawed Frameworks: The harmful impact of New Public Management and lean production on public services

The effects of applying these methods are wide-ranging and often harmful.


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