23 Janvier

FB bargaining: No trust in CBSA; team rejects concessions to hours of work

The FB bargaining team continued their push to make Canada Border Services Agency a better place to work during talks with Treasury Board/CBSA the week of January 20, but the employer still refuses to budge on any meaningful improvements.

Our team highlighted issues around:

Name tags: The employer still insists that officers must display their names on name tags. Our team reiterated that this practice puts officers at risk and is unacceptable.

23 Janvier

Négos à l’ARC : l’employeur propose à nouveau les mêmes concessions et rejette nos propositions

Le 20 janvier dernier, la gestion de l’ARC a présenté ses propositions contractuelles lors de l’audience de la commission de l’intérêt public (CIP).

23 Janvier

CRA bargaining: Management reaffirms concessions and rejects contract improvements

On January 20, CRA management presented its bargaining proposals at a PIC hearing, reaffirming its push for regressive changes to the collective agreement and its rejection of union proposals.

21 Janvier

Médiation : le CT laisse filer une belle occasion

La semaine dernière, la séance de médiation avec le Conseil du Trésor s’est soldée par un échec, le gouvernement ayant une fois de plus refusé de s’attaquer aux principales recommandations de l’AFPC.

21 Janvier

TB bargaining: Government squanders mediation opportunity

Last week, mediation between Treasury Board and PSAC ended without a tentative agreement as government representatives refused to make progress on PSAC’s key demands. The session covered both common issues as well as those specific to the PA unit - 90,000 federal public service workers in Program & Administrative Services.


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