The Public Service Alliance of Canada unequivocally supports the principles of human rights as proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Canadian Human Rights Act.
PSAC pledges to work toward the achievement of equality for all its members and to eliminate discrimination and increase the participation of disadvantaged groups in the workforce.
PSAC Anti-Harassment Initiatives Fund ensures that locals, DCLs, area councils, regional committees, regional councils and components have access to resources to address and/or raise awareness to fight harassment in all its forms.
We strive to:
- Promote human rights issues through education.
- Support collective bargaining proposals to further our human rights goals.
- Pressure the employer at all levels to end discriminatory practices, implement special measures to eliminate barriers to employment, and redress past and present systemic discrimination which has an adverse impact on our membership.
- Continue to lobby for changes in legislation to achieve full bargaining rights in the public service and strengthen the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Employment Equity Act.
- Participate with other groups with similar goals to improve benefits and conditions for disadvantaged people in Canada.

PSAC has been working to protect and defend the rights of Indigenous Peoples for decades

Our union has been able to win important improvements in the lives of women

The labour movement has an important role in fighting the social and economic inequities that impact the lives of workers and people in Canada and around the world

Learn about your employer's obligation to identify and remove barriers in your workplace

Latest updates
14 Mars 2025
Créer des espaces sur mesure pour les dirigeantes syndicales
Créer des espaces sur mesure pour les dirigeantes syndicales -
14 Mars 2025
Vers un programme de leadership par et pour les membres racisés
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7 Mars 2025
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3 Février 2025
Mois de l’histoire des Noirs 2025
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29 Janvier 2025
Journée nationale de commémoration de l’attentat à la mosquée de Québec et d’action contre l’islamophobie
Journée nationale de commémoration de l’attentat à la mosquée de Québec et d’action contre l’islamophobie -
27 Janvier 2025
Journée internationale dédiée à la mémoire des victimes de l’Holocauste : sensibiliser pour ne pas oublier
Journée internationale dédiée à la mémoire des victimes de l’Holocauste : sensibiliser pour ne pas oublier