20 Juin

L’AFPC-SEAC lance une campagne pour mettre fin à la sous-traitance des services aux vétérans

L’Alliance de la Fonction publique du Canada (AFPC) et le Syndicat des employé-e-s des Anciens combattants (SEAC) lancent une campagne enjoignant au gouvernement fédéral de cesser de sous-traiter les services destinés aux vétérans et d’embaucher un plus grand nombre de gestionnaires de cas permanents.

20 Juin

PSAC-UVAE launch new campaign to stop contracting out services to veterans

The Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) and the Union of Veterans’ Affairs Employees (UVAE) have launched a campaign calling for the federal government to stop contracting out services to veterans and hire more permanent case managers.

14 Juin

Les fonctionnaires fédéraux disent adieu à la vaccination obligatoire

Le gouvernement fédéral a annoncé que le mandat de vaccination obligatoire pour tous les travailleurs et travailleuses dans les milieux de travail sous réglementation fédérale prendra fin le 20 juin. De plus, les personnes placées en congé non payé en vertu de la politique pourront réintégrer leurs fonctions sans restriction.

Le Conseil du Trésor a aussi demandé aux sociétés d’État et aux agences de lever leurs exigences vaccinales, ce qui veut dire que les entrepreneurs qui travaillent dans les immeubles fédéraux ne seront pas obligés d’être vaccinés.

14 Juin

Government lifts vaccination policy for federal workers

The federal government announced it will lift the vaccination policy for all workers in federally regulated workplaces as of June 20, and allow workers who’ve been put on leave without pay because of their vaccination status to return to work without restrictions.  
Treasury Board has also asked Crown corporations and agencies to suspend their vaccination requirements, and contractors accessing federal workplaces will no longer have vaccination requirements. 

28 Avril

En route vers la victoire, ensemble

28 Avril

On the road to victory together

When thousands of PSAC members take to the streets as part of a rally against the Phoenix pay system or cuts to public services, people take notice. Having a mobilized and engaged membership is critical to getting the best possible deal at the bargaining table – for all our members. The biggest victories happen when members’ needs are reflected by their bargaining teams, and they in turn support their team and work together to mobilize.

28 Avril

Créer des milieux de travail diversifiés et inclusifs

28 Avril

Building more diverse, inclusive workplaces

We know from the experience of many members, including those involved in the Black and Indigenous class action lawsuits, that workers from equity groups consistently get left behind. Collective bargaining is one of our best tools to create fair work environments for all employees. That’s why we need to make sure our demands explicitly focus on equity, especially given the broader context of systemic discrimination based on race, gender, disability, sexual orientation and other identities.

28 Avril

Les négociations au fédéral font défaut. Il faut régler ça.

28 Avril

Federal bargaining is broken. It’s time to fix it.

PSAC members who work for the federal government often ask us why it takes so long to negotiate each collective agreement. In other jurisdictions, it takes months, not years, to reach a deal. They ask why they can’t strike when bargaining breaks down but must wait months to apply that pressure. When grievances go to adjudication, why does it take so long to be heard and to get decisions?


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