« C’était tellement cher que je n’ai pas pu faire garder mes enfants. » #Votezgarderies2015
@psacnat @rcmpgrcpolice @SunLife @CBCGoPublic @VOCMOpenline If I sent my CPPD, as coerced, fraud is suspected.
@psacnat @rcmpgrcpolice @SunLife @CBCGoPublic @VOCMOpenline It is absurd to offset ourselves. Administrator might be defrauding us or GoC
Why does childcare cost more than a mortgage payment? #VoteChildCare2015 #canfem #cdnpoli
@psacnat @rcmpgrcpolice What will psac do abt the large fraud @SunLife might be guilty of? TBS DI is self-insured. We cannot owe ourselves
@psacnat @milneice so take them to court, buy adverts. You have extorted bags of money from members. Put up, or shut up and be #hitlerharper
@TonyclementCPC Will MP's be moving to the new disability plan or will you continue with your unlimited sick leave? @psacnat
L'AFPC contestera le projet de loi sur les congés de maladie #polican #cdnpoli
PSAC pulls out of contract talks over contentious budget bill #cdnpoli #canlab
PSAC pulls out of contract talks over contentious budget bill @psacnat @ciu_en #canlab #cdnpoli #solidarity
@psacnat too bad Canadians supported Jack Laytons move to remove daycare successfully now left with a huge void STFU, think next time!
Parents talk about their struggles finding affordable childcare #VoteChildCare2015 #cdnpoli
L'AFPC contestera le projet de loi sur les congés de maladie. #polican @PSACnat #congesdemaladie. Via @LeDroitca
@psacnat @VOCMOpenline @CBCGoPublic 2 laws in contradiction. Which 1 prevails? Second 1 should not have been enacted, i think
@RobynBresnahan Can you please ask @TonyclementCPC if he's able to say anything that's not a talking point #cdnpoli @psacnat
PSAC has walked away from sick leave negs with the gov't. We'll hear both sides today: first @TonyclementCPC at 7.20, then @psacnat at 7.35