RT @psacnat: The govt wants to legislate instead of negotiating with us #cdnpoli #canlab
Quand c’est moins cher de payer l’hypothèque que les services de garde, il y a un problème. #Votezgarderies2015
RT @UniforTheUnion: For parents w/ young kids, child care is 2nd biggest expense, after housing #VoteChildCare2015 ht
RT @vickyatclc: #VoteChildCare2015 Kitchen Table and obstacle course set up at Dow's Lake for Ottawa's Tulip Festival! Join us!
RT @vickyatclc: Lots of great input and stories at our #TulipFestival Kitchen Table! #VoteChildCare2015
Little Zoya is celebrating universal childcare already! #VoteChildCare2015 #canfem #cdnpoli
RT @cmkl: Again with the $900m figure @TonyclementCPC never including the cost of your new ‘Sick? Don’t leave’ progr…
@psacnat Harper is going to do what he wants anyway. However we get the final say in October.
@psacnat @rcmpgrcpolice @SunLife @CBCGoPublic @VOCMOpenline PS Pension, CF Pension, Sun Life DI, sisip LTD. SL ded PS Pen. I lose $63k yr
@psacnat @rcmpgrcpolice @SunLife @CBCGoPublic @VOCMOpenline As GoC is Prin & SL is agent, no arms length relationship. GoC takes my CPPD off
@psacnat @rcmpgrcpolice @SunLife @CBCGoPublic @VOCMOpenline To clarify. SL is Admin Svcs Only, not Insurer. No risk. GoC underwrites
@psacnat @rcmpgrcpolice @SunLife @CBCGoPublic @VOCMOpenline Psac, ur retirees being defrauded. Your mbrs being lied to on self-ins. Fix it
@psacnat @rcmpgrcpolice @SunLife @CBCGoPublic @VOCMOpenline I'm sending to rcmp as I est 150k pub serv victims of fraud, $20-22 Billion.
@psacnat @rcmpgrcpolice @SunLife @CBCGoPublic @VOCMOpenline will obv b less if Sun Life/GoC lowers Dis Ins $ 4 $. Impacts my property rights
@psacnat @rcmpgrcpolice @SunLife @CBCGoPublic @VOCMOpenline of Canada's retirement system. OAS is Pillar 1. Pillar 3 is priv sav. My sav
@psacnat @rcmpgrcpolice @SunLife @CBCGoPublic @VOCMOpenline Lose $ 4 $ is not supplement. CPP $ is also my $ held in trust by GoC. Pillar 2
@psacnat @rcmpgrcpolice @SunLife @CBCGoPublic @VOCMOpenline is to help dis ppl. CPP Act preamble states it is to supplement income.
@psacnat @rcmpgrcpolice @SunLife @CBCGoPublic @VOCMOpenline Impt pt is CPP Act s. 65(1). I am prohibited by law from assigning CPPD. Pub Pol
@psacnat @rcmpgrcpolice @SunLife @CBCGoPublic @VOCMOpenline Apply & get accepted, lose CPPD. That is duress/coercion. Where does $ go?
@psacnat @rcmpgrcpolice @SunLife @CBCGoPublic @VOCMOpenline I say coerced as I have no freedom of choice. Not apply, lose estimated CPPD