PSAC-UTE declares impasse as CRA refuses to address member concerns

The PSAC-Union of Taxation Employees (PSAC-UTE) bargaining team representing members at the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) declared bargaining impasse following talks held from May 7 to 9 in Ottawa. The session was held in the presence of a federal mediator.

The CRA once again refused to address key member concerns and instead insisted on the union agreeing to concessions.

  • Wages: We tabled a wage proposal back in December. The Agency ignored it for several months but eventually agreed to present its response at this week’s session. In an unprecedented move, however, the CRA reneged on its promise.
  • Term employment: We presented a proposal to allow term employees the opportunity to gain indeterminate status, rather than spending years on short term contracts. Other federal employers have adopted policies addressing such concerns. The CRA refused to address this issue.
  • Work-life balance: We proposed improvements to work-life balance, including an increase in paid leave, consistent with the government’s claimed commitment to work-life balance. The CRA said no to our proposal.
  • Conditions in call centres: We proposed improved working conditions in call centres, including more rest breaks and more reasonable, reduced monitoring of employees by management. The CRA said no to our proposal.
  • Scheduling and hours of work: We proposed changes including making evening shifts voluntary and recognizing years of service where there is evening and weekend work. The Agency has repeatedly approached PSAC-UTE to discuss increasing evening shifts and a joint union-employer study found evidence of favouritism and inconsistent practices in CRA workplaces with evening and weekend shifts. The CRA said no to our proposal and instead proposed language that could result in employees being scheduled by management to work outside core hours against their wishes.

We believe the years of service that an employee gives to the Agency should count for something. Unfortunately, the Agency does not, and insists instead that employees would prefer management deciding whether or not they work evenings and weekends in certain workplaces.

The PSAC-UTE bargaining team is committed to achieving a fair contract—one that protects hard-fought gains and secures new rights and protections for PSAC-UTE members.

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10 Mai 2019