Alliance Executive Committee (AEC) - is composed of the National President, the National Executive Vice President and the Regional Executive Vice Presidents.
Approval - means the person authorizing the travel expense claim.
Business travel – means all travel authorized by the PSAC, and is used in reference to the circumstances under which the expenses prescribed in this policy may be paid or reimbursed from PSAC funds.
Commercial accommodation – means hotel or motel type of accommodation or a similar commercial establishment that provides lodging at an established rate.
Continuous travel – Period of uninterrupted travel between the traveller’s initial point of departure and the final destination.
Dependent child - means an employee’s or spouse’s biological, legally adopted, under Aboriginal customs or stepchild who is unmarried, unemployed, dependent and under the age of 21 if not in full time attendance at an educational institution, otherwise under the age of 25 or no age limit if the dependent child has a permanent disability.
Economy – means the standard class of air travel, including special discount fares. It excludes first class and business/executive class or equivalents.
Exceptions - means unusual circumstances or special needs that have not been covered in this policy. The AEC, and/or the Branch Directors and/or the Section/Regional Coordinator have the authority to approve exceptions and make individual decisions that are not covered in this policy.
Headquarters area – means an area surrounding the workplace having a radius of 16 kilometres, centered on the workplace.
Incidental expenses – includes such items as gratuities, internet, laundry, dry cleaning, bottled water, phone calls home, grass cutting, snow removal, home security check, plant watering, mail services, pet care, telecommunications hook-ups and service, shipping of some personal effects, and other personal supplies and services, the costs of which can be attributed to a period in travel status, but for which no other reimbursement or allowance is provided under this policy.
Kilometric allowance - means the rate as indicated in Appendix A based on province of registration, payable for all authorized travel by motor vehicle.
Maximum Allowed for Driving means the amount paid to a traveller when he/she chooses to travel by privately owned motor vehicle for distances over 300 kms one way, when commercial air or rail transportation is available. The amount paid will be the kilometric distance at the applicable rate specified in Appendix A, up to the maximum of $700 (round trip).
Meal allowance - means the rates for breakfast, lunch, or dinner as indicated on Appendix A.
Member Expense Portal (MEP) – website which allows members to submit their PSAC travel expense claims electronically (located on the PSAC Member Portal website (
Non-commercial accommodation and private non-commercial accommodation – means a private dwelling owned or rented by an acquaintance or relative with whom the traveller does not normally reside, campsites, or other accommodation where incidental expenses are minimal.
POMV - means Privately Owned Motor Vehicle.
PSAC – means the Public Service Alliance of Canada.
Receipt – means an original document or carbon copy or certified true copy showing the amount of expenditure, itemized where possible, the date and indicating proof of payment.
Reasonable expenses – means the specific, itemized expenses incurred, based on receipts, excluding alcoholic beverages, up to the amount determined by the PSAC to be justifiable under the circumstances.
Spouse means a person to whom an employee or member is legally married, or a person with whom an employee or member is cohabiting and who has been identified to the PSAC as the employee's spouse regardless of sex.
Travel Loyalty Program - Frequent Flyer points - means benefits offered by the travel industry for business or personal use.
Traveller – is used in this policy to designate both PSAC employees and members who travel on authorized PSAC business.
Travel status – means absence from the traveller's headquarters area on PSAC business travel.
WE Travel Service - is currently the unionized travel agent company that is utilized by the PSAC.
Workplace – is the location at or from which a traveller ordinarily performs the duties of his or her position and, in the case of a traveller whose duties are of an itinerant nature, the actual building to which the traveller returns to prepare and/or submit reports, etc., and where other administrative matters pertaining to the traveller's employment are conducted.