MT @cs_groupnoc: Fed #Unions Come 2gether 2 Protect #PublicScience @PIPSC_IPFPC @psacnat @ACEP_CAPE #canlab #cdnsci
Agriculture Union members at a Seminar in Kingston speaking about C-59, bargaining and the federal election @psacnat
Les syndicats fédéraux s’unissent pour protéger l’intégrité de la science @PIPSC_IPFPC @psacnat @ACEP_CAPE #canlab
Harper controlling the science message | Owen Sound Sun Times @psacnat @PIPSC_IPFPC @CAPE_ACEP #cdnsci
@psacnat @CBCTheNational Pipsc retweeted my petition on #disabled #vets having Gov #offsets cost. Perhaps your larger union might do same?
On my way to Kingston to speak with Agriculture members at the NCR/Ontario Seminar. @psacnat @AGR70155 @AGLocal50073 @AgLocal30048
Great day 2 of canvass training w @psacnat members. #weareallaffected #govote2015
@PIPSC_IPFPC @psacnat @CdnChange Thx, we need the help. Lots of #disabled #vets gave their all 4 #Canada
@CTVNews @ErinOTooleMP @globeandmail @CanadianVetsAdv #DYK #Canada & unions run Dis Ins plan? Bias? Told @psacnat abt @SunLife DI prob
Le désavantage d'avoir la traduction simultanée en #inuktituk c'est que je ne suis plus les présentations, j'écoute la traduction. /@afpcnat
En conférence pour l'@afpcnat, j'apprends que je serai traduite en inuktituk. Comme fière.
@psacnat PSAC permits #RCMP to privatize police service (criminal record check) normally done by unionized staff? #Vancouver#Cdnpoli #UBC
Les élections fédérales de 2015 nous donnent une excellente occasion de remettre le pays sur la bonne voie #polican
Here’s some information you need to know before going to the polls this October #cdnpoli
RT @PSACOntario: Watch Conservatives flip-flop on Canada Pension Plan #cdnpoli #canlab #cdnecon #CPP @psacnat #CPP
RT @PSACOntario: Negotiate don’t legislate! @TonyclementCPC, respect workers’ rights to collective bargaining #RespectOurRights @psacnat #c…
Pls RT! Award-winning economist @JeffRubin on #TheCarbonBubble June 4 #Ottawa @psacnat @EcologyOttawa @ccpa @NUPGE
@mike__bola @PIPSC_IPFPC_Gat @JustinTrudeau @Debi_Daviau @PIPSC_IPFPC @psacnat @RajSekhon1 @StephAubry_GF How abt C-51? Wait, he voted 4 it