@TonyclementCPC b4 you joined the Harper Govt and maybe just maybe you had some morals as you certainly don't now Minister @psacnat #respect
@TonyclementCPC – Show #publicservants true appreciation and negotiate – don’t legislate.#PSAC #canlab @psacnat #boycottnpsw #respect
@psacnat BULLSHIT, YOU UNIONIZED THUGS. Join the 21 century--use computers
Negotiate, don’t Legislate! @tonyclementCPC #negotiate, #CEIU #PSACOntario #PSAC, #canlab #publicservice @PIPSC_IPFPC @psacnat
RT @NRUSRN: Une autre bonne #manifestation en face du bureau du #PMSH @afpcnat @PSACNCR . #afpc
@BensonRobyn @psacnat @CrystalMWarner there is no nego with Harper cons, as they want 2 destroy unionized PS.Need them gone from the table.
Une autre bonne #manifestation en face du bureau du #PMSH @afpcnat @PSACNCR . #afpc
Respect Public Servants! @tonyclementCPC #negotiate, #CEIU #PSACOntario #PSAC, #canlab #publicservice @PIPSC_IPFPC @psacnat
@psacnat always seems strange to beat down employees for 51 weeks just to pretend to value them for one week.
@TonyclementCPC Show #publicservants true appreciation and negotiate - don't legislate. #PSAC @psacnat @psacprairies #boycottnpsw #respect
Respect Public Servants! @tonyclementCPC #negotiate, #CEIU #PSACOntario #PSAC, #canlab #publicservice @PIPSC_IPFPC @psacnat
Respect Public Servants! @tonyclementCPC #negotiate, #CEIU #PSACOntario #PSAC, #canlab #publicservice @PIPSC_IPFPC @psacnat
It's #NPSW. As a public service employee, do you feel respected? What does respect mean to you? #RespectPS
Solidarity with @psacnat "@BensonRobyn: @TonyclementCPC please respect our right to bargain under Charter of Rights and Freedoms" #cdnpoli
@TonyclementCPC #negotiate not #legislate - show #publicservants true respect #canlab @BensonRobyn @psacnat
@BensonRobyn @leet102 @TonyclementCPC @psacnat @CrystalMWarner PSAC and the government are one in the same.
RT @BensonRobyn: @TonyclementCPC Minister Clement please #respect our right to bargain under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms @psacnat @C…
@TonyclementCPC Minister Clement please #respect our right to bargain under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms @psacnat @CrystalMWarner
Respect Public Servants! @tonyclementCPC #negotiate, #CEIU #PSACOntario #PSAC, #canlab #publicservice @PIPSC_IPFPC @psacnat
Negotiate, don’t Legislate! @tonyclementCPC #negotiate, #CEIU #PSACOntario #PSAC, #canlab #publicservice @PIPSC_IPFPC @psacnat