@hockeyfandan @DixonShar6834 Yes. I was forced to pay union dues to @psacnat with card carrying separatist leader @nycole_turmel #cdnpoli
My best RTs this week came from: @rabbleca @Studentinlife @psacnat @maggiepriceless #thankSAll Who were yours?
Michelle Bradley talks about how @psacnat members are constrained in their ability to help #veterans #cdnpoli
#NAMH2015 @psacnat Aboriginal Ppl's Circle public awareness campaign "Justice for Aboriginal Peoples - It's Time"
Thank you to #StandUpForProgress National Tour Sponsor @IAFFCanada & Tour Partner @psacnat. Only a few tix left 4 #yeg stop tonight #cdnpoli
Liberals, NDP seek to bring 'respect' back to public service #canlab #bt_moments @PIPSC_IPFPC @psacnat @ACEP_CAPE
@liberal_party Not a good idea telling Civil Servants who follow regulations that they are "harassing Charities" @psacnat #RealChange
Public service unions unite to condemn Bill-C-59 #canlab @psacnat @ACEP_CAPE @PIPSC_IPFPC #canlab
National Aboriginal Day – Let’s make it Political #NADCanada #cdnpoli
@TonyclementCPC @psacnat @PIPSC_IPFPC @utesei I bet your praise was given in same session as talking about cutting back sick benefits
@PIPSC_IPFPC @utesei @psacnat @TonyclementCPC Wow how special, doubt any hard working public servants watch the parliament channel!!
@PIPSC_IPFPC @utesei @psacnat Not one tweet or mention by @TonyclementCPC to thank federal public servants for their hard work during #NPSW
At the Path Of Light event put on by PSAC HRC Edmonton. Great work everyone @psacnat
Thanks to @psacnat Edmonton Human Rights Committee for hosting a #NAD2015 BBQ in #yegdt on the way to #ADL2015
"Sometimes the hardest relationships to navigate are those in our own community We NEED to help, love & lift each other up"Activist @psacnat