Canada should expand Medicare and public pensions" @Harryslaststand @broadbent @IAFFCanada @psacnat #StandUpForProgress
The Harper mantra is always less gov when it comes to social serv @Harryslaststand @broadbent @IAFFCanada @psacnat #StandUpForProgress
The Harper gov has refused to expand pensions and made ei harder to get @Harryslaststand @broadbent @IAFFCanada @psacnat #StandUpForProgress
Canada may return to the dog eat dog world of my youth @Harryslaststand @broadbent @IAFFCanada @psacnat #StandUpForProgress
The welfare state cannot be taken for granted"@Harryslaststand @IAFFCanada @broadbent @psacnat #StandUpForProgress
I have known loss, suffering, and thewonder of growing up in diff times @broadbent @Harryslaststand @IAFFCanada @psacnat #StandUpForProgress
Harry wants to inspire the next generation of activists @Harryslaststand @broadbent @IAFFCanada @psacnat #StandUpForProgress
@psacnat We had a great event in Kelowna. Global News BC did a great job covering the event.
We're back on the road this week for our #StandUpForProgress tour w/ @Harryslaststand. Shout out to @IAFFCanada & @psacnat for their support
Public service unions file charter challenge over sick leave changes #canlab @PIPSC_IPFPC @psacnat
2016 Forum Social Mondial Un autre monde est nécessaire ensemble, il devient possible! @PSACOntario @psacnat
RT @ChrisAylwardVP: With some PSAC staff and Bob Black at the Toronto People Social Forum @psacnat @PSACOntario
RT @ChrisAylwardVP: With PSAC members at Toronto's People Social Forum. @psacnat @PSACOntario @ciusdi_en @My_UNE @usge_sesg…
RT @broadbent: #StandUpForProgress is back on the road this wk w/ stops in #Calgary #Halifax. Thanks @IAFFCanada & @psacnat #cdnpoli http:/…
RT @Tony_Tracy: Harry Leslie Smith to speak in #Halifax this Wednesday night: | #NSpoli #HFXpoli #NovaScotia http://…
RT @ChrisAylwardVP: With Dan Barrett of @UNDEUEDN at Toronto People Social Forum @psacnat @PSACOntario
RT @ChrisAylwardVP: Ex-soldier says Veterans Affairs ignoring his pleas for help - @PSACNAT