In 2014: 1 civil servant for every 122 of us. Now 1 for every 137 Again: #CPC cheers; @psacnat launches attack ad:
@afpcnat De quoi je me mêle?? Si vous voulez gérer le pays partez vous un parti et faites vous élire. #Parasites
National Post coverage of @psacnat campaign urging Canadians to vote to stop public service cuts via @nationalpost
@psacnat Tweet stands! focus on your member -thus taxpayers. Fix that problem not others you've advanced. #Behonest
Good one for @PONTIFEX -> Definition of #Capitalism: Bullshit bytes with #usury which is a simple scam. @we_re_DEAD @nationalpost @psacnat
@ciusdi_en @psacnat @ciu024 in reading the employer's letter we are on our own to pursue the grievance. Some direction would beneficial
Got 8 mins to learn how CON WORKS? #Usury Worse Than Murder We've been hoodwinked @we_re_DEAD @nationalpost @psacnat
Helps to know how system works. Since Canadians have no idea where money comes from we have been conned. @we_re_DEAD @nationalpost @psacnat
I heard when banks *create* money they get to keep the profit. Most money is bytes in computers. @we_re_DEAD @nationalpost @psacnat
@lorabruncke @nationalpost @psacnat It's NOT JUST interest, measuring EVERYTHING with money is the problem. That includes the price system.
More than a barter tool? What else can it be used for without destroying a nation with debt? @we_re_DEAD @nationalpost @psacnat
No, Canadian banking system does not work and we should know why. We have been hoodwinked with interest. @we_re_DEAD @nationalpost @psacnat