Avez-vous besoin d'aide pour les questions de paye causés par Phénix ? #syndcan #polcan
Ex-Chief Predicts Job Cuts: “The federal service will be smaller,” says Michael Wernick, former $326,000-a year cle…
@psac_afpc I love teleworking. I believe the option to telework should be permanent since it’s not suitable for all.
@psac_afpc Can't wait. So much less stress in my life since I've been working from home full-time.
@psac_afpc Yes! I would like to have more teleworking arrangements. I'd still like to go in a couple of days a week though.
@psac_afpc Would love to telework permanently. I don't have to commute for 3 hours per day and get much more done a…
@arivangeest @psac_afpc With today’s technology we can video conference, Skype, etc....I don’t see an issue ghere.…
@psac_afpc As someone who is concerned about my health and with a compromised respiratory system, I welcome telework but from my home!
@psac_afpc Flexibility is good. But - after the literally thousands of dollars GoC has spent training me on the imp…
@psac_afpc I hope it will be like flex schedules up to the employee and manager to come to an agreement that works best for them.
@psac_afpc We’ve been fighting to get Telework back after losing it 12 years ago. Even with with valid Family Statu…
« La mobilisation fonctionne » -Alex Silas, vice-président exécutif régional de @PSACNCR #polcan #syndcan
@netkid23 @psac_afpc I agree with this. I hope that this opens the doors to more telework arrangements for those who want it.
@psac_afpc I love telework, but my body does not. I don’t have a home office (desk or chair).
@azizelomari @psac_afpc I’m just saying from my experience in a workplace where most people are in the office once…