Négo avec Monnaie royale canadienne : Des progrès accomplis sur les questions non pécuniaires.
Latest bargaining talks with Royal Canadian Mint made progress on non-monetary issues.
How the Conservatives imagine Canada's economy is completely at odds with reality via @pressprogress @psacnat
RT @BensonRobyn: My Latest Headwinds: Breakthrough!: March 19 was a Day of Action to push our bargaining demands fo...…
RT @stephenlautens: Oliver says MPs should have a 5% pay cut if they run a deficit. So Harper owes us 35% of his MPs' pay #cdnpoli http://t…
Flashmob about public services and the federal election: #canlab @psacnat @PIPSC_IPFPC #bt_moments @ACEP_CAPE
Head of smaller union proposes sharing strike fund with @psacnat , @PIPSC_IPFPC @ACEP_CAPE #bt_moments #canlab
Robyn salutes our members & bargaining teams for the win on mental health issues at the bargaining table. #psac #afpc
.@psacnat is bringing Oscar winner CITIZENFOUR back to our screen tonight at 6:45. And it's free! And there's a panel discussion! And (1/2)
@psacnat @VOCMOpenline @CBCGoPublic Will PSAC represent the class action I plan vs TBS wrt $20B fraud vs disabled Pub Serv? #sisip #offsets
@psacnat @VOCMOpenline Does ur mbrship on NJC admin of SL DI plan cause #PSAC to look the other way 4 GoC viol GCR's? #sisip #offsets
@psacnat @VOCMOpenline PSAC refused to rep me when fired 4 gettin sick. FAIR? I think not. Plz send my dues back, after 12DEC01 I was PIPSC
@psacnat @VOCMOpenline #DYK SL #offsets are illegal under common law Bradburn Prin? #PIPSC does. U want rival union to beat u to the scoop?
@psacnat @VOCMOpenline #PSAC, I was mbr from 1991-2001. After PSSRB ruled I should go to PIPSC. #DYK Sun Life Dis Ins is TBS underwritten?
CitizenFour Doc about Edward Snowden & Discussion Apr. 9 @psacnat @ByTowne @citizenfour
.@psacnat screens Oscar best doc @citizenfour tomorrow for FREE @ByTowne w/ @OpenMedia_ca @AmnestyNow @michaelgeist
May 13 Wages of Rebellion @NUPGE @psacnat @CouncilofCDNs @SAIACarleton @rabbleca @cupenat @MayDayOttawa @ccpa