The PSAC’s National Young Workers Working Group is seeking your input. Help young workers – take the survey: #PSaC15
@haliwell51 @psacnat @BensonRobyn @CFIB @Swiftie01 @BillTufts We are Canadians!! not Brainwashed Southern Republicans like YOUR LOT...btw
@RafVidela @psacnat @BensonRobyn @CFIB @Swiftie01 @BillTufts got forbid anyone should have to fend for themselves. Let the tax pyer look aft
@psacnat @BensonRobyn Right on...tell the @CFIB @Swiftie01 @BillTufts & @haliwell51 where to go....somewhere hot and smelly...
Pour lire le rapport complet de la présidente nationale @BensonRobyn à #AFPC15 visitez
If you want to read @BensonRobyn's full President's report to #PSAC15, here you go:
@BensonRobyn receives well-deserved & rousing standing ovation for her inspiring & hopeful address. @psacnat @PSACOntario #PSAC15
RT @Theos41J: #AFPC15 , @BensonRobyn lance un appel aux membres de L'AFPC de voter le 19 octobre 2015 pour se débarrasser des conservateurs…
I would like to echo @BensonRobyn gratitude towards @psacnat staff for their tireless efforts! Thank you to all! :D #psac15
@BensonRobyn : Il est maintenant temps de rétablir la démocratie. Temps de faire renaître l'espoir et la justice sociale. #AFPC15
RT @psacbc: "Time to get every @psacnat member to vote to get rid of the conservatives once and for all" @BensonRobyn gets a standing o at …
"Time to get every @psacnat member to vote to get rid of the conservatives once and for all" @BensonRobyn gets a standing o at #psac15
L'action politique n'a jamais été aussi importante. Il faut mettre un terme au coupures et redistribuer la richesse -- @BensonRobyn #AFPC15
@psacnat will not let @pmharper take away our right to collective bargaining & our right to strike. @BensonRobyn #PSAC15