Only 37% per cent of unemployed workers have access to EI -- well under 20% in Toronto @alexhimelfarb #PSAC15
RT @MornaBallantyne: The most vulnerable suffer worse consequences of austerity: low wages, no benefits. Not our Canada: @alexhimelfarb #PS…
Austerity leads to gross inequality, attacks the most vulnerable. Example: cuts to medical care for refugees. - @alexhimelfarb #PSAC15
Austerity starts w/ a slow squeezing of services. Vicious cycle. Services erode, so people don't want to pay for them @alexhimelfarb #PSAC15
Si un leader vous dit qu'il n'a pas le choix, soyez assuré qu'il y a une option surement meilleure. -- @alexhimelfarb #AFPC15
RT @nvpatlantic: Private sector should be emulating the advantages won by private sectors! @alexhimelfarb #PSAC15 #cdnpoli
.@alexhimelfarb Si le gouvernement a choisi l'austérité, il est possible de choisir l'idéologie inverse. #AFPC15
RT @lansdellicious: Two per cent GST cut cost $14 billion. Done at a time when we had a $13 billion surplus. Wonder where the surplus went.…
RT @MornaBallantyne: $332 billion has been lost from the federal treasury since 2000, says @alexhimelfarb at #PSAC15. That's our collect we…
Les attaques sur les droits à la négociation collective sont une conséquence directe de l'idéologie de l'austérité -- @alexhimelfarb #AFPC15
Gov't manufactured a crisis by destroying surplus + cutting taxes. We chose austerity, we can choose the alternative. @alexhimelfarb #PSAC15
Au micro, Alex Himelfarb (@CGC_CDM), ancien greffier du Conseil privé et grand défenseur des srvs publiques #AFPC15