@KINGUNENEVP @TonyclementCPC as a member of the FB bargaining group I couldn't agree more!! Stop meddling and let us bargain! @psacnat
RT @afpcnat: 97,1 millions promis par Ottawa en programmes sociaux n'ont jamais été dépensés #polican
@TheCoondog99 @mshladun @TonyclementCPC @laurbaert @psacnat bullying is something that is epidemic in the public service and causes illness
@TonyclementCPC i am honestly disappointed and disgusted with your bargaining in bad faith! @laurbaert @psacnat
@Brea_Lewis @SherryDowson @TonyclementCPC @laurbaert @mshladun @psacnat Where are millions in social security commitments?@TonyclementCPC
@mshladun @TonyclementCPC @laurbaert @Brea_Lewis @psacnat Your "fair" is equivalent to that of school yard bullly tactics. #kharmawillcome
@SherryDowson @TonyclementCPC @laurbaert @mshladun @psacnat @KINGUNENEVP I remember that!! Border Security money if I do recall. #mathishard
@TonyclementCPC @mshladun @laurbaert @Brea_Lewis @psacnat I don't think you're using "bargaining" correctly. You're actually dictating.
@TonyclementCPC @laurbaert @Brea_Lewis @psacnat Major concession is not a "fair" offer & legislating instead of negotiating isn't bargaining
@TonyclementCPC @mshladun @laurbaert @psacnat 200 would be misleading the Cnd public. Seems fair and reasonable #mathishard #5isthenew200
. . . He says as he sticks his fingers in his ears and yells " la la la I can't hear you" @TonyclementCPC @laurbaert @Brea_Lewis @psacnat
@mshladun @laurbaert @Brea_Lewis @psacnat I have 17 bargaining agents not just PSAC. I encourage you to respond to my fair offers.
@TonyclementCPC @laurbaert barg teams met 5 times since July 2013. I know #mathishard but 200 mtgs doesn't compute @Brea_Lewis @psacnat
RT @afpcnat: 97,1 millions promis par Ottawa en programmes sociaux n'ont jamais été dépensés #polican
RT @afpcnat: 97,1 millions promis par Ottawa en programmes sociaux n'ont jamais été dépensés #polican
@laurbaert @Brea_Lewis @psacnat I’m being fair and reasonable in the bargaining. Time for the unions to be the same.
"Bill C-59 gives TBS power to ignore provisions of Public Service Labour Relations Act." They can do that?? @psacnat
RT @ajcajj: Conservative budget bill sets up battle with federal unions #cdnpoli. @globeandmail