You have political rights

One of the hallmarks of a healthy democracy is the ability of citizens to participate freely and actively in determining who they elect to govern and make decisions on their behalf. 

PSAC members are encouraged to take an active role in exercising their democratic political rights by: 

  • Wearing a party or candidate button in public. 

  • Placing an election sign on your property. 

  • Giving political opinions in public or elsewhere. 

  • Working as a canvasser for a political party or candidate. 

  • Working in a campaign office. 

  • Participating in the formation of party or candidate policies. 

  • Taking part in election-day activities on behalf of a party or candidate. 

  • Attending peaceful demonstrations on political topics. 

  • Soliciting funds from the public for political campaigns and parties. 

  • Attending a political convention as a delegate. 

  • Writing letters to the editor endorsing a candidate or party. 

For some PSAC members – those covered by the Public Service Employment Act – some restrictions apply. None of the activities listed above should be carried out during your working hours.  

There are also separate and special rules that apply if you wish to be a candidate in a federal, territorial, municipal or provincial election. 

When determining how you want to exercise your democratic rights, follow some guiding principles. 

  • Don’t conduct any political activity on the job. 

  • Don’t identify yourself as a federal public sector worker when working on a campaign, e.g. canvassing, making phone calls, etc. 

  • Don’t identify yourself as a federal public sector worker when communicating opinions about election issues, political parties and politicians through blogs, Facebook, Twitter or other social media. 

  • Don’t wear your uniform or government identification at public meetings such as candidates’ meetings. 

  • Don’t drive a government identified vehicle when participating in election activities. 

If you are unsure of whether a specific political activity would be appropriate, contact your PSAC regional office.  

If you are disciplined in any way for participation in a political activity, this can be grieved. Contact your Local or Component for representation and advise your PSAC regional office.  

30 Mars 2015