Canada post bargaining update

This week, the bargaining team met with the employer for a third time since negotiations began on August 20, 2024.  

PSAC is concerned by the number of concessions the employer has tabled. They include leave provisions and a new two-tier benefits plan for our current and retired members. Just a reminder as we review the employer’s proposals in detail: we will not accept any concessions on your existing entitlements and benefits. 

We are fighting to secure vital improvements for our members by making bargaining demands related to discrimination, health and safety, benefits, education and more. We also aim to improve our pension plan and secure fair wage increases that keep pace with the cost of living.  

Workplace visits 

The bargaining team will be visiting workplaces across the country along with PSAC negotiator Hassan Husseini. This will give members the opportunity to learn more about the bargaining and ask questions or raise concerns.   

Meanwhile, PSAC-UPCE is closely monitoring developments at the Industrial Inquiry Commission and will be submitting a brief in the coming weeks. 

The next bargaining sessions with the employer are slated for March 25 to 27 and May 13 to 15. 



3 Février 2025